Saturday, November 3, 2012

Good News

     We had some great news Thursday. My sister is now engaged as of Thursday night. It is amazing. I'm so happy for her but sad at the same time because she will be moving out in no time at all it seems. They have a rough date set in June, but it could be moved back anytime. The date is set to accomodate his brother who is overseas with the military right now. He is supposed to get back in May, but they don't know for sure. Also, her husband-to-be is finishing college and will graduate in May, so they are planning around that.

     I'm so glad to see how happy they are together. They are always talking or texting or chatting on the computer or somehow communicating with one another. It's so sweet to see them together.

     I knew that he was going to ask her before she knew. She was talking to me about him and telling me how happy she is and I could only nod and smile. I can see it every time they are together! If it is alright with them later, I'll post a picture of them together.

     Talk to y'all later!!!
