Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

To all the Moms out there, thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for being there for us, for kissing our scraped knees to make them all better, for wiping our runny noses, teaching us to live, teaching us to love, to laugh, to cry. For teaching us to pray. 

My mother did all these things and so much more. She taught me to cook, to be a lady. She taught me to look for the good in people instead of always seeing the negative. She taught me what it means to be a woman of God. She has been nurse, cook, chauffeur, maid, laundry-lady, teacher, drill sergeant, lawyer, surgeon, comforter and a load of other things. She has been a wonderful example for me and my sisters. 

So a special thanks to my mom: Thanks, Mom, for always being there. For being strong when I am weak, for always being able to offer advice on my numerous problems, just for being my Mom!!! I love you and I hope it was a great Mother's Day. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Adjust the sails

My family (myself included) watched a movie the other night and it struck me how much the woman wanted to change who the man was. Mind you, he wasn't that great. He wasn't a very good husband, but it reminded me so much how I am. If I don't like something, I want to change it and change it fast.

My mind says that I should be happy, that everyone should be happy because I am. But that's not the way it works. I have to constantly remind myself that it's not about me. My selfishness is only getting in the way in matters like this.

I have to remember time and again that happiness is a choice. Even in situations where I believe I have every right to be angry, I must remember this. I have found that if I will let go of the anger and hurt feelings and just choose to be happy, things are better. But that isn't easy because of the selfishness in me.

There's another big factor in all that. My pride. It hurts to say it, but that's another big thing. I'm too proud to say I was wrong and that I'm sorry even if I was completely in the wrong. It's hard to admit it, for me anyway, to say that it was my fault and that I'll try to do better or whatever the situation may be. Instead I make excuses as to why I did what I did. That just causes more trouble because then I want once again to change things.

I said all that to say I ran across an inspirational quote yesterday that made me think of all this. It was by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. It says: "When you can't change the direction of the wind - adjust your sails."

When I want to change everything around me and can't, I have to choose to be happy, otherwise, I'm going to have an even more terrible time. The things I don't want to do, if I choose to be happy, won't be as much of a chore. That is my way of adjusting my sails.

It is a beautiful morning in Alabama. The birds are singing and the sun is shining bright. And today, I'm gonna be happy.
